WordPress for iPhone 1.2

公式ブログによると、まもなくWordPress for iPhoneの1.2がリリースされるようだ。このAppがあまりにも便利なのでCMSをWordPressに乗り換えたくらいなので、コンスタントにアップデートされるととても嬉しい。

Based on this feedback, and along with a few bug fixes and performance enhancements, we are introducing a host of new functionality in the forthcoming 1.2 release, including:

  • Landscape mode with the extra wide keyboard
  • Link creation help
  • Support for editing and creating Pages
  • Comment moderation
  • Asynchronous publishing
  • Photo resizing options




Official Google Mac Blog: Google Calendar now supports Apple iCal

The Google Calendar team is proud to announce the public release of our support for the CalDAV protocol. You can now use Apple iCal with your Google Calendar, so you can work even when you’re offline, sync almost instantly, respond to invitations from others and see the free/busy data of your friends and coworkers.


